The Adopt a Block is an Official City and County Program and our adoption of Hekili Street is posted on two permanent street signs at each end of Hekili Street.
In September 2009, we filled 11 bags of trash from Hekili Street.
In January 2010, we noticed how a significant amount of trash on the street were cigarette butts and learned about the negative effects of cigarette butt pollution . In the 2009-2010 school year, in just 6 months time we removed 4,241 cigarette butts.
Flash forward to May 2014 and you see Huakailani still diligently holding 4 clean ups a school year and removing cigarette butts from the area.
At the May 2014 clean up, we collected just 1 bag of trash and over a 10 month period of time found
1, 878 cigarette butts. That is 2, 161 cigarette butts less than the school year total from last year.
* Note: 1/2009 Stat is for only 6 Months. 5/201 Data is for 10 months.